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Tube Go – adult tube theme

  • July 20th, 2016
  • Posted in Uncategorized

“Tube Go” – elegant adult tube WordPress theme with simple setup, quickly create your own tube site with custom fields, start adding video galleries right away manually or using any video import plugins like WP SCRIPT GRABBER. You can always count and contact our support if you would need any help, we will be glad to technically assist you, make recommendation or just explain any feature of the theme.

If you are planning to fully automate videos import, we recommend to use WP SCRIPT GRABBER plugin as the most friendly import solution, it is perfectly compatible with our theme.

Here are some of “Tube Go” theme features:

  • Mobile ready / responsive full width design. We use full screen width with fixed sidebar in order to focus the user of right ads if needed. You can easily adjust the sidebar’s content from the widgets panel.
  • Widgets ready sidebar for ads and any other content.
  • Custom data fields. Simple list of custom fields for instant import of videos. You can automatically post videos with any video import plugin. We recommend to use WP SCRIPT plugin. You can also use any free CSV importers.
  • Upload your custom logo using WordPress customizer panel.
  • Related videos.
  • 2 Custom menus enabled at the Top and Footer.
  • Modal categories list popup.
  • Sort videos by most recent, viewed, rated.
  • Pagination: wp-pagenavi, Ratings: wp-postratings, Video views: wp-postviews ready!
  • Social sharing links with shareshis service.
  • Default color scheme. We can quickly prepare any other color scheme for your site, simply contact our support. Additional quote may be required.

Add videos with custom fields

Here is the complete list of custom fields you can use with our theme:

Please note, if you do not know what are custom fields and need any help with that, you can always contact our support for quick assistance.

  • bt_thumb – thumb image.
  • bt_duration – video time length.
  • bt_paysite – affiliate link.
  • bt_embed – embed code

Basic steps to setup the theme.

  • You can directly upload downloaded zip file from your WordPress panel and then activate it.
  • The theme is already prepared with default values but you can tune it up a little bit. For example you could add your own logo, adjust number of videos to show, all this is done though your WordPress panel otherwise you can directly start adding videos as a normal post and adding data with custom fields
  • We also recommend to start adding widgets, adjusting menus and insert Ads. All that can be done using default, intuitive WordPress functionality from widgets and menus panel.
  • If you want your site look exactly as our demo, you will need to download and activate a few plugins which are: wp-pagenavi (Pagination), wp-postratings (Ratings), wp-postviews (Video views). All of theme are available at your WordPress plugins download panel.

Once again, we would like to remind that you can always contact us for support and any questions you may have.

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