Order your unique adult theme CONTACT US NOW


  • August 3rd, 2012
  • Posted in Uncategorized

Our team strives to provide you with maximum support and top quality service. If you ever ordered a theme from us, we would appreciate if you could leave us a comment or describe your personal experience dealing with us. This way you would be helping us tremendously and also help others to find what you have already found working with us.

Thank you.

Comments on “Testimonials”

jivko said:

hello i have all ready buy your theme,need some help,how can show 4-5 models in one row ?


arthur said:

hello i buyed the escort theme but i need support … how can i show more models on the home page and not only 9. thanks i already write an email to support@bangthemes.com i hope u will answer me soon


Serge said:

Hi guys,

Any support for the purchased themes? It seems some libraries are quite out of date for the Escort WordPress theme (“escort_single_use”) template, timthumb.php shows it’s from 2010. Other javascript libs are also from 2010 and I can’t get the booking form to work with the latest WP version. I tried upgrading the libraries, but no luck.

Can I get some help, please?


admin said:

Hello Serge, please contact us at support[at]bangthemes.com and we will be glad to help. Timthumb is implemented only as fallback to old wp versions. By default you should use the FEATURED IMAGE functionality, if you cant see it then you need an updated version of the theme.

anyway, please contact us as mentioned above.

Thank you.

Serge said:

Hi there,

Thanks very much, I will contact you by email.

Dean said:

Recieved my template no problem, installed it but when trying to add media it shows as a broken link so unable to put pics of girls up

Nosrat said:

Hi I got bang tube theme but I can’t import any videos csv file.I already import csv files from pornhub and xvideos.com but I can’t play any of theme. Please give me some advise thanks

unywalet said:


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